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Dump Carlsbad Springs Dump

It was from an Ottawa Sum newspaper article, well over a year ago, that I first heard about the Carlsbad Springs Dump Site (Dump this dump 2 Carlsbad Springs landfill-Ref#1) However, in so many ways, the article did not provide proper background information or properly emphasize the seriousness of the issue.   Therefore, it was not until I heard a presentation at the Osgoode Community Assoc. Annual General Meeting by Sue Langlois of the group Dump this Dump 2, that I started to become concerned. From the information she providedRead More

Throw Jimmy From The Train!

As everyone shakes themselves from their “summer slumber “they suddenly become aware that there is a municipal election in less than 2 months. What becomes very clear is that, up to this point, the media has had a bad case of “Watsonmania”. So many media types have been constantly telling us for months that there is no chance for anyone running against incumbent Mayor Jim Watson. Of course, there are numerous photo-ops and sound-bites where Jimmy is constantly trying to tell us the same thing. However, what does Jimmy WatsonRead More

How to Put Lipstick On A Pig

City Council lip stick on Orgaworld Audit

There are no taxpayer funded cosmetology courses that our City officials could enroll in so that they could ever cover up all the warts uncovered in the Orgaworld Audit released yesterday. The City Manager, Kent Kirkpatrick, city staff, lawyers and all fourteen Council members who have been there since 2007, when this Orgaworld mess first started should be ashamed of themselves and never be given any responsibility with regard to our tax money again!   One of the huge problems I am having with the Audit that was released isRead More


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